Welcome to Hope
Hope Church is open!
Hope is open for in-person Sunday worship!
We welcome you to join us in-person! To keep it safe for all, we ask that you stay home if you are ill. Mask is required when indoors. We follow social distance guideline in our seating arrangement for in-person service. We continue to record the sermons live and post them to Facebook and YouTube for those who are unable to join the service in-person.
Hope News
“Attributes of God” Class: Every Tuesday in October (October 5,12,19,26), 7-8pm, via Zoom - click on “Learn more” for class and Zoom info
We offer virtual gatherings as well as other additional resources. Click on “Learn More” below and go to “Hope During Pandemic” section.

We love because HE first loved us.
1 John 4:19